Who Gets Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins, often connected to an elderly female family member, are actually a common occurrence in both men and women of all ages. While it is true the condition affects the elderly more often, the condition can be seen in adults between the ages of 30 and 70. While it is impossible to accurately predict precisely who will develop varicose veins, there are a few common factors for those who end up with this condition.


Family History

Around half of all adults with varicose veins had a close family member (like a parent or sibling) with the condition. Genetics appear to play a strong role in the development of varicose veins, possible because weaker valves inside the veins tend to run in the DNA. If your mother or father has the condition, talk to a vascular specialist about your own risks and what you can do to lower them.



Unfortunately, something as simple as an “X” chromosome can also increase your likelihood of developing varicose veins. Women tend to go through significant hormone fluctuations during key times of life like pregnancy and menopause that can have a direct impact on the health of the veins. In some cases, varicose veins that develop during pregnancy may disappear after those nine months, but some women are plagued with the condition forever unless they seek treatment.


Weight Gain

Packing on the pounds can also create additional pressure on the veins of the lower body, as they must now work against gravity and excess weight to push blood back up to the heart. If you develop varicose veins and you are overweight, your doctor may recommend a weight loss program before undergoing vein treatment. This will ensure the treatment will be effective and long-lasting.


Profession and Lifestyle

Varicose veins are more common in individuals that work at jobs requiring long hours on the feet, such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables. The legs of those individuals rarely get a break from working against the forces of gravity, which can make the veins in the legs wear out more quickly. At the same time, a sedentary lifestyle can also lead to the formation of varicose veins, since regular exercise like walking can help move blood from the lower limbs and preserve those veins for a longer period of time.

While these are common factors facing many varicose vein sufferers, they do not always determine who will – and won’t – develop this condition. The good news is that if you do begin to notice the appearance of varicose veins on your lower legs, there are a number of minimally-invasive, effective treatment programs available today. To learn more about how you can get rid of varicose veins for good, contact Advanced Varicose Vein Treatments of Manhattan at 212-204-6501 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Lev.

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